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Fourier Series


Fourier series is a powerful mathematical tool named after Joseph Fourier, a French mathematician and physicist. It allows us to represent periodic functions as a sum of simple sine and cosine functions.

Basic Concept

The main idea behind Fourier series is that any periodic function f(x) with period 2π can be expressed as an infinite sum of sines and cosines:

f(x) = a₀/2 + Σ(aₙ cos(nx) + bₙ sin(nx))


  • a₀, aₙ, and bₙ are constants (Fourier coefficients)
  • n is an integer that goes from 1 to infinity

Fourier Coefficients

The Fourier coefficients are calculated using the following formulas:

  1. a₀ = (1/π) ∫ f(x) dx (from -π to π)
  2. aₙ = (1/π) ∫ f(x) cos(nx) dx (from -π to π)
  3. bₙ = (1/π) ∫ f(x) sin(nx) dx (from -π to π)

These integrals essentially measure how much of each frequency component is present in the original function.

Types of Fourier Series

  1. Full Fourier Series: Contains both sine and cosine terms.
  2. Sine Series: Contains only sine terms (used for odd functions).
  3. Cosine Series: Contains only cosine terms (used for even functions).


The Fourier series converges to the original function under certain conditions:

  • At points of continuity, the series converges to the function value.
  • At jump discontinuities, the series converges to the average of the left and right limits.

Importance in Mathematics and Physics

Fourier series is fundamental in:

  • Solving partial differential equations
  • Analyzing periodic phenomena
  • Understanding harmonic oscillations

Example: Square Wave

A simple example of a Fourier series is the representation of a square wave:

f(x) = (4/π) * (sin(x) + (1/3)sin(3x) + (1/5)sin(5x) + ...)

This series converges to a square wave as more terms are added.

Practical Considerations

When working with Fourier series:

  • More terms generally lead to better approximation
  • The choice of how many terms to use depends on the desired accuracy and computational resources


  1. Try sketching the first few terms of the square wave Fourier series.
  2. Calculate the Fourier coefficients for a simple periodic function, like f(x) = x on [-π, π].
  3. Explore how the number of terms affects the approximation of a given periodic function.