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Most of my previous courses are in programming and computer science, but why not try something new?

Welcome to my physics course!

As always, here are the list of rules for the course:

As always, I included the Learning To Learn section I highly recommend you read before continuing. 😊

If there is any physics topic, lesson, concept, or problem you would like me to cover, please let me know by creating an issue on the GitHub repository or contacting me directly at [email protected]. I'm always open to suggestions and feedback.



The following rules apply to every page and topic on this platform:

  1. Free, no cost at all to the user. Knowledge should only cost effort and dedication, not money.
  2. No advertisements or distractions whatsoever; none of the pages have ads.
  3. Every topic and subtopic will have its own dedicated page/document. This way users won't have to search for hours through one page to find what they need.
  4. Always available. Unless server outages or power surges/losses occur, this information shall be preserved. It will only be updated, never removed, and updates cannot remove a significant amount of content unless it's deemed inaccurate or flawed.
  5. Printable. Every page will have PDFs available to print out to use for any case where the online version isn't suitable. On top of this, a ZIP archive of every page on this website will be available to download in bulk.
  6. Accessible. The site will follow accessibility rules, knowledge shouldn't be inaccessible due to disabilities. This website will conform to the WCAG standards.
  7. Account-less. No account required. You won't have to have any form of account to access this information, the only time you'll need one is if I ever add progress tracking and custom lessons, which probably won't be for a while.
  8. No REQUIRED links to external tutorials and classes. There may be links to credible sources and recommended tutorials, but this course will still go over anything linked to ensure the rules above are protected and learners continue to have a free and convenient experience.

Good luck!


For AP Physics students, I have a list specifically for you.

Comprehensive Physics Topics (Beginner to Advanced)​

0. Mathematical Methods in Physics​

This section is numbered 0 because it is not a physics topic, but a prerequisite for understanding physics. It will cover the mathematical methods used in physics, such as calculus, linear algebra, differential equations, and complex analysis.

Read this first:

0.1. Scalars and Vectors​

0.2. Coordinate Systems​

0.3. Vector Calculus​

0.4. Matrices and Determinants​

0.5. Differential Equations​

0.6. Complex Numbers​

0.7. Fourier Analysis​

0.8. Probability and Statistics​

0.9. Tensor Analysis​

0.10. Numerical Methods​

Each of these topics plays a crucial role in various areas of physics:

  1. Scalars and Vectors: Essential for describing physical quantities and their interactions.
  2. Coordinate Systems: Important for describing motion and fields in different geometries.
  3. Vector Calculus: Fundamental for electromagnetism and fluid dynamics.
  4. Matrices and Determinants: Used in quantum mechanics and solving systems of equations.
  5. Differential Equations: Crucial for describing time-dependent systems and fields.
  6. Complex Numbers: Important in quantum mechanics and AC circuit analysis.
  7. Fourier Analysis: Used in wave optics, quantum mechanics, and signal processing.
  8. Probability and Statistics: Essential for quantum mechanics and experimental data analysis.
  9. Tensor Analysis: Important for general relativity and continuum mechanics.
  10. Numerical Methods: Crucial for solving complex problems that lack analytical solutions.

This category will provide students with the mathematical foundation necessary to tackle advanced physics concepts and problem-solving.

1. Classical Mechanics​

1.1 Kinematics​

1.2 Force and Translational Dynamics​

1.3 Work, Energy, and Power​

1.4 Linear Momentum​

  • Definition of momentum
  • Conservation of linear momentum
  • Collisions (elastic and inelastic)
  • Center of mass frame

1.5 Torque and Rotational Dynamics​

  • Torque and angular acceleration
  • Moment of inertia
  • Parallel axis theorem
  • Rotational kinetic energy
  • Angular momentum

1.6 Energy and Momentum of Rotating Systems​

  • Rolling motion
  • Conservation of angular momentum
  • Precession and gyroscopes

1.7 Oscillations​

  • Simple harmonic motion
  • Pendulums (simple and physical)
  • Damped oscillations
  • Forced oscillations and resonance
  • Coupled oscillators

1.8 Fluids​

  • Pressure and density
  • Buoyancy and Archimedes' principle
  • Fluid dynamics
  • Bernoulli's equation
  • Viscosity and turbulence
  • Surface tension and capillary action

2. Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics​

2.1 Temperature and Heat​

  • Temperature scales
  • Thermal expansion
  • Heat capacity and specific heat
  • Heat transfer (conduction, convection, radiation)

2.2 Kinetic Theory of Gases​

  • Ideal gas law
  • Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution
  • Equipartition theorem

2.3 Laws of Thermodynamics​

  • Zeroth law
  • First law (conservation of energy)
  • Second law (entropy)
  • Third law

2.4 Thermodynamic Processes​

  • Isothermal, adiabatic, isobaric, isochoric processes
  • Carnot cycle and heat engines
  • Refrigerators and heat pumps

2.5 Statistical Mechanics​

  • Microcanonical, canonical, and grand canonical ensembles
  • Partition functions
  • Quantum statistics (Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein)

3. Electromagnetism​

3.1 Electrostatics​

  • Electric charge and Coulomb's law
  • Electric fields
  • Gauss's law
  • Electric potential
  • Capacitance and dielectrics

3.2 Current Electricity​

  • Current and resistance
  • Ohm's law
  • DC circuits
  • Kirchhoff's laws
  • RC circuits

3.3 Magnetism​

  • Magnetic fields and forces
  • Biot-Savart law
  • AmpΓ¨re's law
  • Magnetic materials and hysteresis

3.4 Electromagnetic Induction​

  • Faraday's law
  • Lenz's law
  • Inductance
  • AC circuits and transformers

3.5 Maxwell's Equations​

  • Gauss's law for electricity and magnetism
  • AmpΓ¨re-Maxwell law
  • Faraday's law of induction
  • Electromagnetic waves

4. Waves and Optics​

4.1 Wave Motion​

  • Wave equations
  • Superposition and interference
  • Standing waves
  • Beats
  • Doppler effect

4.2 Sound Waves​

  • Sound intensity and level
  • Acoustics
  • Musical instruments

4.3 Geometric Optics​

  • Reflection and refraction
  • Mirrors and lenses
  • Optical instruments (microscopes, telescopes)

4.4 Wave Optics​

  • Interference
  • Diffraction
  • Polarization
  • Dispersion and spectra

5. Modern Physics​

5.1 Special Relativity​

  • Postulates of special relativity
  • Lorentz transformations
  • Time dilation and length contraction
  • Relativistic energy and momentum
  • Spacetime and four-vectors

5.2 Quantum Mechanics​

  • Wave-particle duality
  • SchrΓΆdinger equation
  • Quantum tunneling
  • Uncertainty principle
  • Quantum harmonic oscillator
  • Angular momentum and spin

5.3 Atomic Physics​

  • Bohr model
  • Atomic spectra
  • Electron configurations
  • Zeeman effect

5.4 Nuclear Physics​

  • Nuclear structure and models
  • Radioactivity and decay processes
  • Nuclear reactions and cross-sections
  • Nuclear fission and fusion

5.5 Particle Physics​

  • Standard model
  • Fundamental forces and particles
  • Quarks and leptons
  • Conservation laws
  • Particle accelerators and detectors

6. Astrophysics and Cosmology​

6.1 Stellar Physics​

  • Stellar structure and evolution
  • Nucleosynthesis
  • White dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes

6.2 Galactic and Extragalactic Astronomy​

  • Galaxy types and structures
  • Dark matter
  • Active galactic nuclei

6.3 Cosmology​

  • Big Bang theory
  • Cosmic microwave background
  • Dark energy
  • Inflationary universe

7. Advanced Topics​

7.1 General Relativity​

  • Principle of equivalence
  • Curved spacetime
  • Gravitational waves
  • Black hole physics

7.2 Quantum Field Theory​

  • Second quantization
  • Feynman diagrams
  • Quantum electrodynamics
  • Quantum chromodynamics

7.3 String Theory​

  • Supersymmetry
  • Extra dimensions
  • M-theory

7.4 Condensed Matter Physics​

  • Crystal structures
  • Band theory
  • Superconductivity
  • Magnetism in solids

7.5 Plasma Physics​

  • Plasma properties and behavior
  • Magnetohydrodynamics
  • Fusion physics

7.6 Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos​

  • Phase space and attractors
  • Bifurcations
  • Fractals
  • Chaos in physical systems

7.7 Computational Physics​

  • Numerical methods
  • Monte Carlo simulations
  • Molecular dynamics
  • Quantum computing algorithms

7.8 Biophysics​

  • Biomechanics
  • Neurophysics
  • Molecular biophysics

7.9 Geophysics​

  • Seismology
  • Plate tectonics
  • Atmospheric and oceanic physics
  • Planetary interiors

7.10 Medical Physics​

  • Radiation therapy
  • Medical imaging (MRI, CT, PET)
  • Radiobiology